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7 November 2012, 12:02,
(7 November 2012, 11:57)gary5wift Wrote: LS
If you want to pick up marine traffic and ship to shore communications then I’d suggest these simplex channels
06 - Intership Bridge to Bridge 156.300 S - 156.300
12 - Port Operations - 156.600 S 156.600
14 - Port Operations - 156.700 S 156.700
16 - Distress, Safety, & General Calling - 156.800 S 156.800
74 - Port Operations - 156.725 S 156.725
67 - Bridge to Bridge (1W) - 156.375 S 156.375
68 - Non-Commercial - 156.425 S 156.425
69 - Non-Commercial - 156.475 S 156.475
If you just want to communicate with other preppers/prepper groups then the following Duplex channels might be best
20 - Public Correspondance - 157.000 D 161.600
21 - Public Correspondance - 157.050 D 161.650
22 - Public Correspondence - 157.100 D 161.700
23 - Public Correspondence - 157.150 D 161.750
24 - Public Correspondence - 157.200 D 161.800
25 - Public Correspondence - 157.250 D 161.850
26 - Public Correspondence - 157.300 D 161.900
27 - Public Correspondence - 157.350 D 161.950
All of the above are dedicated Marine Channels and should only be used if you have a marine license and call sign. In a SHTF scenario I guess anything goes.

Hi Gary,

That's good work and fast too. Well done.

I've got Coastguard Ch0 and Distress Ch16 covered, leaving 8 free slots for maine. Can you hone down your list to the 8 most useful remaining marine channels for preppers?

Please advise.

72 de



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RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 6 November 2012, 17:50
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 7 November 2012, 00:22
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Lightspeed - 7 November 2012, 12:02
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 15 November 2012, 21:49
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 15 November 2012, 22:49
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 17 November 2012, 15:21

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