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7 November 2012, 13:09,
(7 November 2012, 12:52)gary5wift Wrote: With duplex channels, the ship station transmits on the lower (A) frequency and listens on the upper (B) frequency. The shore station transmits on the upper (B) frequency and listens on the lower (A) frequency.

After a bit more research i've just found out that many of the duplex channels which were used for public correspondence are now being allocated for other services such as weather forecast broadcasts and AIS due to the increased use of mobile telephones and satellite services. These duplex channels can now be operated as Simplex on the lower frequency for both RX and TX, they have been designed with an A suffix, e.g.
21 157.050 161.650 Ship to Shore duplex
21A 157.050 157.050 Simplex
I guess either configuration would work after SHTF

Thanks Gary.

In light of this, I'd say we oughta go for Simplex Public frequencies on the lower frequency, but program OFFSET to 4.6, and leave the SHIFT to OFF /Zero ( same trick as with distress channel) but this time reactivating Shift to + will re-enable the corrcet Duplex operation. The defult position would be Simplex of course.

Do you agree? Update v 5 attached Angel

.xlsx   SUK HT Configuration v5.xlsx (Size: 18.78 KB / Downloads: 19)
72 de



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RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 6 November 2012, 17:50
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 7 November 2012, 00:22
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Lightspeed - 7 November 2012, 13:09
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 15 November 2012, 21:49
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 15 November 2012, 22:49
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 17 November 2012, 15:21

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