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Quick Calculation for food levels.
12 November 2012, 11:46, (This post was last modified: 12 November 2012, 12:00 by Prepper1.)
RE: Quick Calculation for food levels.
With your food I suggest, (yes it's what I'm going to do) you go on half rations straight away and it's given once a day with what you've managed to scavenge (if anything).

As much water as you like though, don't skimp on that.

For any kids in the group, or people who aren't that keen on the taste of water, take some cordial to put in the water to add extra taste.

This is only for adults in the group, you can include children if you wish but get them (and you) extra vitamins to help suppliment yours and their diet ( this is extremely important for any preppers stores).

Yes I know its already going to be a difficult time so why make it harder?
It means...

Your food stores suddenly double.... not really but because your on half rations they last twice as long.

It gets you used to less food than you'd normally have just in case you cant find food by growing, scavenging etc...

That way its not such a shock to your system if you don't eat for a day or two for some reason.

Have treats in your stores as well, I've got those crunchy breakfast type bars for a end of the day treat or some such thing,
obviously substitute for something you like.

Half rations may not be everybody's cup of tea and yes you'll loose some weight ( TongueTongue scythe tubby custardTongueTongue) but for me its what I'll be doing for my group.

If we manage to grow or scavenge food stores along the way or hunt the odd pigeon etc... all well and good.

I'm not aiming to starve anyone so if somebody's working hard or shows signs of weakness through lack of food I'll increase rations to 3/4 of the daily rate so I still save food.

Sods law (murphys law) is if tshtf, it'll be in winter when everwhere's snowed in and there's not much of anything around so... I'd rather arrive at a self sufficiency level with food going spare from my stores than having eaten it all 2 months ago and be a walking skeleton...

Not saying you SHOULD do it, just have a think about reducing rations so they last a bit longer, even an extra months food could make the difference...

That equates to 1 tin per person per day.

NO breakfast

NO dinner

JUST tea.

After all its not normal life we're planning for here, its shtf not camping in the woods, or holidays.
That foods got to see you through to self sufficiency and depending on the time of year, there may be wild foods or more than likely NOT.

I aim to survive and thrive.

Food can be indulged in later when your infrastructure, food supplies are in place.

I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

Messages In This Thread
Quick Calculation for food levels. - by Scythe13 - 10 November 2012, 13:09
RE: Quick Calculation for food levels. - by bigpaul - 11 November 2012, 10:35
RE: Quick Calculation for food levels. - by Tarrel - 12 November 2012, 01:39
RE: Quick Calculation for food levels. - by Prepper1 - 12 November 2012, 11:46
RE: Quick Calculation for food levels. - by Scythe13 - 12 November 2012, 12:18
RE: Quick Calculation for food levels. - by Weyoun - 13 November 2012, 07:34

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