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Glasses for kids
18 November 2012, 00:13, (This post was last modified: 18 November 2012, 00:15 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Glasses for kids
(17 November 2012, 22:27)Madgirl151 Wrote: Hi
I know the general rule for prepping and people who wear glasses is to have a spare pair (or 2 or 3) but what about for children whose prescription will change vastly. The reason im asking is because my 3 yr old daughter wears glasses and were it not for the new technology they would be the jam jars of old. If something happened and her eyes changed as she grew i would never be able to get her new ones as i dont know how they changed. is there anything i can do to prepare for that or do i just wing it and hope for the best???

thanks in advance


Find her prescription and buy the ready made glasses you see in places like superdrug in the next strength and the strength after that. ???, Usually the script stays pretty much the same for long and short sightedness its just the size of the specs that change ( I think), Macular degeneration tends not to happen til most folks get old ( I think)
Laser or corrective eye surgery and option ????


Messages In This Thread
Glasses for kids - by Madgirl151 - 17 November 2012, 22:27
RE: Glasses for kids - by Straight Shooter - 17 November 2012, 22:36
RE: Glasses for kids - by BDG - 17 November 2012, 22:52
RE: Glasses for kids - by Highlander - 17 November 2012, 22:54
RE: Glasses for kids - by uks - 17 November 2012, 23:42
RE: Glasses for kids - by Madgirl151 - 17 November 2012, 23:45
RE: Glasses for kids - by NorthernRaider - 18 November 2012, 00:13
RE: Glasses for kids - by BDG - 18 November 2012, 01:09
RE: Glasses for kids - by Tibbs735 - 18 November 2012, 10:15
RE: Glasses for kids - by bigpaul - 18 November 2012, 10:44

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