Poll: how long after an event for things to die down
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how long after an event for things to die down
1 January 2012, 23:54, (This post was last modified: 1 January 2012, 23:55 by mikebratcher69.)
RE: how long after an event for things to die down
Hmmmmm... Good defensive position, somewhere to wait it out, maybe like the old medievil castles with an enclosed barricaded garden, or a hill fort type of scenario, at the moment my bols subteranian, well away from people, but them I have to venture outside to forage, thats why I opened the island bol thread probably more defensable... can zombie sheep swim?
The more people the better for most scenarios maybe, for sentry duty, defense and such.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

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RE: how long after an event for things to die down - by mikebratcher69 - 1 January 2012, 23:54

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