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28 November 2012, 22:56, (This post was last modified: 28 November 2012, 23:20 by The Local Ned.)
I've 2 ways of looking at this.

1.Purpose it will be used for.
2.Power required for purpose over the period it is likely to be used for.

As I've stated before my general aim was to create something with better Rx / Tx capabilities than the std stubby antenna found on these handsets , it will be used as a form of midrange comms - main purpose being able to communicate with BOL AND other patrols midrange radios within the group.

The power I require for this will be in the form of a portable 12vDC sealed lead battery unit ( 17ah ) Such as this one...
the handset being connected to a battery eliminator Such as this...
, this portable unit will also double up as power for other equipment if needed.

It can also be used simply with a spare battery backup - for personal patrol comms use only.

How will the portable power unit be recharged ? - 12V PV panel.
Such as - this one...

Maybe a small wind turbine if I can come up with a workable option.

As I don't intend to do long range patrols every day, this unit shouldnt be used too regularly.
I'm no power expert or genius with electricity , but I think this should cover the radios power needs at least.

(26 November 2012, 11:23)Lightspeed Wrote:
(26 November 2012, 10:28)NorthernRaider Wrote: Those expedition Power Monkeys sold on Amazon look interesting but I'm guessing a techy could build a recharger much cheaper.

Yep theses are good for slow accumulation of solar charge and subsequent powering USM powered devices like the UV3R

Wet and Cold pointed us at an offer from Maplins earlier in the year fro similar, but slightly more powerful, devices for 5.00 each. we have a couple of them and they work very well indeed.

Neither the crharger above, nor this device will power the UV5r though. Their voltage output is only viable for the UV3r mictro transceivers.

TLN and I have been considering the use of Clansman Handheld generators and step down voltage transformers. These are ultra durable, but heavy as anyone who's ever used one will know. I've not gotten past the thinking stage, and I think TLN is now satisfied with his man pack setup and not progressed the idea either? This idea will need someone to pick it up and experiment with it some more. Any takers??

Hi LS , sorry , I have been lying low for a few weeks on the board and havent had time to catch up with you.
As regards the Clansman crank genny - its a brilliant piece of kit , I've used one before on a signals cadre , but never out in the field , it is a very capable ,and very simple piece of equipment.

If you pick one up you will be surprised at how effective it is when used as power for a small burst transmission when the battery is dead , and how good it is at recharging a battery - although, it is time consuming AND energy prohibitive.

Incidentally 3800mah battery with external power jack available for UV-5R now....can be charged from 12v dc by adaptor - such as this....
or 8.4v ac charger I believe...... -such as this....

Could be useful.
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.

Messages In This Thread
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 6 November 2012, 17:50
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 7 November 2012, 00:22
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 15 November 2012, 21:49
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 15 November 2012, 22:49
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by Paul - 17 November 2012, 15:21
RE: SUK HT PROGRAMMING PROTOCOL (proposal) - by The Local Ned - 28 November 2012, 22:56

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