RE: UK sinks into moral decay
The change of "lifestyles" and the success of that change would be dependent on if the shutoff of oil was gradual or instantanious.
We are not just talking about delivery of the 3 day food supply, but also of the planting of next year's crops, importation of foods, long term storage......
I still remember hearing my G-Grandfather, born in 1865, talking about being a teenager before he saw his first orange on a trip to the city. They would not make it into his part of the woods before they spoiled.
Gradual shutoff will cause a reversion to past methods of acceptance of new technology with a slow shift in priorities of the lifestyle.
Instant shutoff would result in the panic and possible rioting that accompanies all sudden shortages. If you want to see middle class suburbanites turn into a mob stop the flow of gas from the pumps here in a U.S. city. There will be riots and beating of linebreakers by people that are normally upstanding citizens. Our auto oriented culture is almost freakish.
I had a friend from GB over here this fall and we went to the local firing range. Her biggist shock of the trip was when they changed targets everyone got in their vehicles and drove to the 100 yard line!
I have know of instances here when people used 10 gallons of gas to fetch home 11 gallons of gas.
These are the same people everyone over here worries about becomming a "roving horde of looters". They will not walk to the corner store to fetch food, they sure are not going to walk 30 miles into the boonies to snag my freeze-dried munchies.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.