RE: a list of 2013 predictions
Sutherland... Well, Dounreay is no longer active (supposedly). But there are the SSBN Z-Berths in Loch Ewe which, while probably a secondary target, might be deemed primary by an attacker. You'd also be downwind (based on prevailing patterns) of 2 primaries, namely, St Kilda and Benbecula, both part of our critical north Atlantic early warning detection system. That all said, I know a guy from NI who moved to Tongue for the sublime isolation and hiking / kayaking.
A better area for the WW3 survivalist might be Lochaber, particularly to the west of Fort William (e.g. Knoydart). I know I had been looking at building sites in that area in the past year or so, but am now looking at the Alps instead. That said, if a global bio-plague erupted, Knoydart might be a great place to sit it out!