RE: Do you think you have prepared enough?
I'm with you there. You can live out in a field in a tent but you can't live there forever. The cold will get you one winter, you won't grow enough food or you will have an accident. Living like that has always been a last resort until you get to somewhere long term. BOB and GOOD equipment are for very short term requirements.
There will be some places around after an event, perhaps not a castle, perhaps not 20 acres, but a place you can live safely and plant food. See if you can find it now. Nobody, unless they are living there, will be bothered. Ideally though you should look at moving somewhere now where you can reduce your dependence on others and prepare. To do it properly no BOB vehicle, OK, no personal vehicle, will have the space.
It is all in the planning and we need to think about it. By the sound of this you have been doing and that is more than many do. They think that by putting some stuff aside their work is done. I'm glad you are thinking beyond this. It is one thing I am trying to do by pointing things out that people may not consider.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin