Just my thoughts on the subject...and just mine alone... no personal insults meant at all.... just my musings...
I think whether we see each other in physical person via meets or not doesn't matter, whether we attend meetings or not that doesn't matter for me anyway, it doesn't make anyone here less of a prepper because they cant/wont meet up with others.
People have time, money, work or other family constraints so that for everybody meets and greets may not be an option, it would be nice to get together I suppose but with everybody having so many different jobs, responsibilities, this is a hard thing to do, sometimes people can bang on about "you should make the time" but for some this isn't an option so maybe ease off on members who don't/won't attend gatherings as that for me smacks of elitism or the "your not a serious prepper because you wont meet up".
I definitely agree there about the treatment of others though, if you don't agree with somebody's post you have the right to disagree but it should be in a respectful way, sniping to be excluded as it serves no useful purpose, that's something I have been guilty of in the past so that's something I can learn not to do as well.
Family sometimes can't see one another in person and has to make do with letters or email etc...
and for me that's what this site is like a weird and wonderful family of people who may well disagree as well as agree on certain subjects that they all like and feel passionate about.
We are all human after all with our own individual likes and dislikes but I think our likes and dislikes should remain that OUR likes and dislikes.
If we like the same thing as others, fine lets have a chat about it and give advice if asked for and we can give it.
Theres nothing wrong with having a laugh as well as long as its not at somebody's personal expense.
I frequently am guilty of not being able to give advise for a question because there's been that many reply's with decent answers, its all been said, so I'll make a joke instead hopefully not at the questioners expense.
I'd like to think that we can all be grown up enough to respect each others feelings,views and not be nasty in our reply's, because truly if you don't like a post, stop reading it, that's in your power, no body is making you read in less reply in a nasty way.
Thats childish schoolyard stuff we should have all left behind long ago.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...