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Would Vitamin pills be a good thing to store?
3 February 2013, 11:56, (This post was last modified: 3 February 2013, 12:06 by SecretPrepper.)
RE: Would Vitamin pills be a good thing to store?
if you know where to look you can get what you need from nature. for Vit C you get loads from makeing pine needle tea.

You need warm (NOT BOILING!) any hotter than bath water would destroy the vita min. you then dice the pine needles and put in the water for a bit. (sorry i forget the time but its not that long) remove the needles and drink. and you get loads of vitamin C

Also dandilion leaves and nettle leaves are good to eat. you make nettle soup dont just eat the leaves they will sting your tongue but many leaves have vitamin A, calcium and vitamin C as well as other trace minerals needed by the body. Nettles also seem to do ok during the winter. Well the ones near me do.

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RE: Would Vitamin pills be a good thing to store? - by SecretPrepper - 3 February 2013, 11:56

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