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Am I on the Right Forum?
3 February 2013, 18:33, (This post was last modified: 3 February 2013, 18:41 by Prepper1.)
RE: Am I on the Right Forum?
everybody preps in their own way.
Weapons of some sort would help, but that depends if your proficient and not scared of using them if you have too.
For example crossbow, bow and for small game an air rifle.
Depends also if your other half's a willing participant or a drag along...
Mines a drag along.
Prepping can be for the end of the world as we know it or it can be for life little hardships like job loss and loss of earnings etc.

Each of those two examples is at the opposite end of the spectrum of prepping.
I personally prep for all eventualities but that's just me.

If your just starting out don't be disheartened, we all started with nothing but a few tins and skills.
We all spend time researching how to be more self sufficient so your heading the right way there.

We aim to be as independent of the government and their interference as possible now and especially after an event of some sort.

Most people nowadays have little food stored in their home and if the gas or electric went off, no means of cooking it.

As preppers we aim to bypass those inconveniences so we have an easy ride.

If you stock up a large larder of food for hard times are you willing to defend it with force if necessary?

That may mean firing crossbows at people that were once your neighbors who are now after steeling your stores.

Do you have kids?
Do you want them to starve if there's no food delivered for weeks to the local supermarkets?

Do you want to starve?

Its strange if you partners ex mill that he's not more into this really, most ex mill love prepping and planning for theirs and their family's survival.

Mind each to their own.

As for us planning for some event...
Preppers are a paranoid bunch from one extreme to the other.
Don't worry if your not totally paranoid waiting for the next cold war like some of us or Al-cia-da to blow something up.
Everybody s different on here, some trust the powers that be some dont, that's me.

Do you trust the powers that be to feed you. cloth you and yours if something were to happen?
Most of us dot thats why we prepare...
easy ride should be our motto...
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

Messages In This Thread
Am I on the Right Forum? - by MaryN - 3 February 2013, 18:00
RE: Am I on the Right Forum? - by bigpaul - 3 February 2013, 18:09
RE: Am I on the Right Forum? - by MaryN - 3 February 2013, 20:20
RE: Am I on the Right Forum? - by Prepper1 - 3 February 2013, 18:33
RE: Am I on the Right Forum? - by preservefreak - 3 February 2013, 19:08
RE: Am I on the Right Forum? - by Highlander - 3 February 2013, 19:16

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