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Sheeple mentality
7 February 2013, 12:02,
RE: Sheeple mentality
Sheeple are the highlight of my day,
Take last night for instance, My son and daughter went on a FREE school trip last night,
Due to a crash between a tram and car which slowed traffic, The school was an hour late getting back, (THEY CAME BACK AT 6.30pm) All parents were notified of the lateness... The sheeple in the corner shop whilst buying their scratch cards and fags were moaning that their kids were FAMISHED AND STARVING when they got back, I stood in line, sighed and shook my head...These parents complain when they have to PAY for a trip and surely the point was the kids ALL arrived back SAFE and well, hungry or not? Oh I forgot, their scruffy, snotty nosed kids were STARVING PFFFTTTT,
Wait until the poop hits the fan and they haven't eaten for a week, then bleet what STARVATION IS!
Also, a woman said to me today, "You have lost loads of weight, what are you doing?" (My diet only started 4 days ago, so a bit miffed really lol)
Anyway, I said I was adding sweetex to my coffee instead of sugar but found out it had Aspartame in it, the same with Cola, so I stopped partaking in both, She looked at me and with the face and voice of a caveman said..."Eh? What's Aspartame?" I knew the conversation was ended for me then ! If you don't know, then you don't know but it's the way she said it...Not in an interested or confused voice but as I said...CAPTIN CAVEMAN Smile
This woman spends 24/7 on Facebook so has internet, I told her to Google it. I'm not being modest or blowing my horn here but I honestly think out of the 80 or so parents that collect their kids from that school, That I am the only person there that is switched on !
If you change the way you look at things..The things you look at change !

Messages In This Thread
Sheeple mentality - by bigpaul - 6 February 2013, 12:31
RE: Sheeple mentality - by NorthernRaider - 6 February 2013, 12:45
RE: Sheeple mentality - by Tartar Horde - 6 February 2013, 12:52
RE: Sheeple mentality - by bigpaul - 6 February 2013, 13:54
RE: Sheeple mentality - by Scythe13 - 6 February 2013, 13:23
RE: Sheeple mentality - by Tibbs735 - 6 February 2013, 13:25
RE: Sheeple mentality - by Tartar Horde - 6 February 2013, 14:40
RE: Sheeple mentality - by NorthernRaider - 6 February 2013, 14:56
RE: Sheeple mentality - by bigpaul - 6 February 2013, 17:25
RE: Sheeple mentality - by Prepaday - 7 February 2013, 12:02
RE: Sheeple mentality - by Metroyeti - 7 February 2013, 12:35
RE: Sheeple mentality - by NorthernRaider - 7 February 2013, 13:14
RE: Sheeple mentality - by bigpaul - 7 February 2013, 13:10

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