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whats wrong with being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST anyway ?
14 February 2013, 21:13,
whats wrong with being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST anyway ?
Im wanting to know how many of you people on this forum are so called "conspiracy theorists" ? i my self am facinated by many of them ...these range from the 9/11 twin towers (i was up there 5 months before they "fell down"),the pymarids/alien connection, obviously U.F.O/extraterrestrial existance here on Earth, and the NWO government /global power .
and if you arent then imo thats in someways "not bothering asking Questions bout "how were here"...."why the governments of the world hold information back for control purposes " and why we are lead to beleive that what they teach you from history books at school ,from "scientists" shud not be challenged are taken as fact !!! the whole Darwin theory.....the plains of africa thing......the missing link that they search for BUT will Never be found..! i know we preppers are not "sheeple "in some ways but to me ....we seem to accept the government/societys "story as FACT" to me this sticks in my mind as in the maybe unlikely event of a true Zombie threat and not a viral disease manufactured to depopulate mankind .....THAT is the possible reality of "flying saucers" being real .....that we as preppers shud laugh this off as bullshit /stuff of tv movies.!!!!! BUT 30 years ago who wudda thought that govs would be doing exercises for Zombie attacks !!! wots next wolfmen....vampires....??

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whats wrong with being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST anyway ? - by RoadWarrior - 14 February 2013, 21:13

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