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whats wrong with being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST anyway ?
15 February 2013, 01:34, (This post was last modified: 15 February 2013, 01:36 by Scythe13.)
RE: whats wrong with being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST anyway ?
A conspiracy is simply people working together against something.
A theory is an unproven idea/concept.

There is a VAST difference between a conspiracy (Barclays fixing interest rates, for example) and a conspiracy THEORY (Barclays is ran by mole people with gills that hope to become French ministers). Yes, you see where I'm coming from now. Good, lets keep that in mind.

Technically, a theory is a 'lovely idea' or a possibility. However, there are conspiracies that are proven (go back to the definition above) Gunpowder Treason Plot, Flouride damages your brain (even Harvard studied this and proved it), UK an US education kills imagination and creativity (John Taylor Gatto, Ken Robinson) the financial system works via fractional lending on fiat currencies which has been historically used to collapse economies (any credible history book on the subject of money), the Federal Reserve (no, really, you can check the figures, they print $10 but charge interest of $1, without having printed that's fractional reserve and fiat currencies basic mechanism), disarming the UK populace and the US people (I'm not lending a source for this, you have eyes and can get your own law books out) and many others.

These are not THEORIES. They are only open to question or interpretation by those ignorant of the facts! No really, deal with it. We're all entitled to our own opinions, we are not entitled to our own facts! If something is proven true, whether you like it or not, it's still true. Suck it up and accept it. If you can't accept the genuine truth, than you're believing a theory or a lie. Truth is the truth, scientifically proven fact!

This is not to say that all theories are true! Many are not, but just because it's a theory doesn't mean it's wrong.

The same works in reverse, just because you believe a theory, doesn't make it true. Even if the theory is accepted and plastered as fact, with pretty ribbons and sequins, and fits into your way of thinking. The theory of evolution (yes it's a theory and although accepted by mainstream thought, it's still a concept), the big bang theory, black holes, string theory, the theory of time travel (ooow controversial, see what I did there?!) etc.

This is an area where ignorance, from both sides, needs to be careful.

Also, take into account, people look for evidence that 'proves' what they believe and ignore evidence that PROVES otherwise! That is the frailty of the human mind, and we're all guilty of it.

I'm probably not a 'Conspiracy Guy' as SS, P1, WM, will all tell you. However, I do try to see things for how they are, and recognise the POSSIBILITY of a theory and it's plausibility (and recognise them as such, and not as definite facts) while trying to also recognise the facts as being so, even when they go against what I believe.

The biggest problem occurs when people don't recognise facts or are proven wrong and simply decide to not accept it. Counter to that, there is the problem of people accepting words as truth simply because it fits to what they believe, without plausible, reputable, scientifically recreatable, evidence.

With all that in mind, and fighting both sides of the line, I'll let you decide if I'm a conspiracy guy. If you really want to know, call me on 07999 1984 1984 haha.

That was quite a reply. Sorry.

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RE: whats wrong with being a CONSPIRACY THEORIST anyway ? - by Scythe13 - 15 February 2013, 01:34

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