I havent had the rifle very long, but have used it a lot,... the sight that is shown on the video is a different sight to what you get when you buy it now,.. apprently people didnt like the sight so the makers started selling the gun with a much better sight for no extra cost
The photo below shows it.... I have had no trouble at all with it, it `feels right`, the sight sits at the right hieght,..i.e. you dont have to raise your cheek to alien your eyes,.... it is easy to break, and I like the hard plastic, as opposed to wood, I would guess it will last the test of time well
The only slight bug, is that it might be slightly heavy for some people, but I weighed this up when I was buying it,..and for me it gave the feeling of a military piece,..so felt good
Its a .22 by the way
A major part of survival is invisibility.