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A snippet off the history channel
22 February 2013, 11:06,
A snippet off the history channel
The last couple of minutes about nuclear power and nuclear weapons that made me sit bolt upright. The presenter of the program pointed out that the leak from Chernoby has killed and injured far more people than both Hiroshimi and Nagasaki bombs. It is estimated that over 5 million people have now been affected by radiation from chernobyl most developing life shortening cancers and deformities compared with 40 to 60 thousand direct victims of each of the two bombs and roughly the same numbers again in the aftermath of the two bombs.

FIVE MILLION PEOPLE directly affected by one leaking plant!!!!, just think about that the next time you object to a wind farm, gas fracking or biomass incinerator in your area, equally remember we tend to build our nuclear plants on westen to north western coasts so if they leak the wind is going to push any fallout over most of our cities.


Messages In This Thread
A snippet off the history channel - by NorthernRaider - 22 February 2013, 11:06
RE: A snippet off the history channel - by bigpaul - 22 February 2013, 11:13
RE: A snippet off the history channel - by Metroyeti - 22 February 2013, 11:19
RE: A snippet off the history channel - by Digger - 22 February 2013, 11:48
RE: A snippet off the history channel - by Tibbs735 - 22 February 2013, 12:23
RE: A snippet off the history channel - by bigpaul - 22 February 2013, 12:39

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