RE: the clock ticks forward yet again ever closer to zero hour...
I would agree HL if it was JUST the mail.....but thats not the case here...i see alot of stuff on here that uses the mail as a type of ref guide...this is fine if it rienforces a point of view of the author of any given post...but should anyone want to take the subject further thats fine by example looking at say facts was the rescent post and the very quick despatch of the authors argument by NR...this is also fine with me....but for you to say rubbish...without the justification...then its just your opinion set against the authors opinion...but thats all it is.....again thats fine this is a reply is NOT intended have a go at pisay it IS intended for the readers to take a closer look...and maybe a world view may be required to unravel this subject even more and not just a national view