I had to go to the local shopping centre today for various reasons and whilst walking around the place something occured to me. The more I prepare and educate myself to the realities of living in this society, the more I want to pull back and have nothing to do with it. I hate having to go anywhere where there are lots of people, because to be honest they do my head in with their constant babble centred around absolutely nothing, all they do is talk shit about other insignificant shit. They don't have one original thought that did not come from the TV or someone else told them, they are incapable of thinking for themselves. I feel no empathy at all towards them, and to be honest I don't think they are even of the same species as me. I sometimes worry that I am becoming too insular in my outlook and turning into "the lone prepper nutcase", but when I look around I would rather be alone than live in a Madhouse. Once you become aware and start "prepping" there is no turning back because the Rabbitt hole only goes one way, and it is not always an easy journey being "awake", and maybe there is something in the saying "ignorance is bliss" because it is always easier to swim with the tide than against it.