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1 March 2013, 19:23,
RE: rant
Tartar, I thought it was just me who felt like this.

Most days when in the big cities of Inverness or Aberdeen (mostly Inverness at the moment due to ugh, work) it's like people are in a daze, mindlessly going from one place to the next, stopping periodically to tap away at their phones or just stand there like their brains are buffering.

Even at work, no decent conversations, nobody gets excited about things anymore just met with the same blank looks.

Try and talk to them about something interesting ? Short answers and shrugs mostly. Ask them a question like "that book you're reading- any good ?" and they look almost shocked.

Been unemployed for stretches (downside of freelancing) and it's soul destroying and mind-numbling boring. Can see why the long term drink so much, nothing else to do.
Sodomi Non Sapiens.

Messages In This Thread
rant - by Tartar Horde - 1 March 2013, 12:54
RE: rant - by Carnebwen - 1 March 2013, 13:15
RE: rant - by Tartar Horde - 1 March 2013, 13:26
RE: rant - by Ghost - 1 March 2013, 18:16
RE: rant - by NorthernRaider - 1 March 2013, 13:31
RE: rant - by Digger - 1 March 2013, 14:05
RE: rant - by bigpaul - 1 March 2013, 14:21
RE: rant - by Rush2112 - 1 March 2013, 13:34
RE: rant - by Metroyeti - 1 March 2013, 16:09
RE: rant - by bigpaul - 1 March 2013, 16:15
RE: rant - by Metroyeti - 1 March 2013, 16:25
RE: rant - by cryingfreeman - 1 March 2013, 16:46
RE: rant - by bigpaul - 1 March 2013, 16:50
RE: rant - by Metroyeti - 1 March 2013, 17:23
RE: rant - by bigpaul - 1 March 2013, 17:44
RE: rant - by Barneyboy - 1 March 2013, 17:44
RE: rant - by bigpaul - 1 March 2013, 17:55
RE: rant - by NorthernRaider - 1 March 2013, 19:06
RE: rant - by Bucket - 1 March 2013, 19:23
RE: rant - by bigpaul - 1 March 2013, 19:29
RE: rant - by Highlander - 1 March 2013, 20:52
RE: rant - by MaryN - 1 March 2013, 21:01
RE: rant - by ObongoPox - 1 March 2013, 21:25

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