Gnashers Gegs and Trumpets
Here is a quick point, do you wear Spectacles, Contact lenses, False Teeth, Hearing aids , Prosthetics etc ? If so do you have spares available if you break or lose your aides?
Last night I was leaning over the banister talking to a visiting prepper downstairs as I was getting him and his wife a DPM smock and rucksack each from some I had blagged and set aside, they were such nice folks I even managed to fit em up with some part used combat boots i had spare. Anyhoo I was trying to explain the need for them to develop a back up comms system whilst rummaging for other bits of kit I could give em and as I leaned over the banister my specs fell off and landed on the floor, bugger both lenses badly scratched. Anyhoo luckily for me I kept my old pair so I dug them out and carried on regardless. But i thought it a good point enough to post aquick reminder today that if you used false gnashers, specs etc to make sure you have spares available because after TSHTF it could be years before you can get em replaced if at all.