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Neanderthal die off caused by lack of skill
7 March 2013, 10:34,
Neanderthal die off caused by lack of skill
I find this very very interesting as it offers a theory that Neanderthal man died out cos all the big game had gone ( like much of Europe today) and they did not have the nouse or skill to catch small game like rabbit, hare, pheasant, grouse, duck etc.

I think after a prolonged disaster event affecting the UK it will be those of us with the knowledge and skills to identify and kill small game that will survive and the unskilled masses will die off because they have never learned how to set a trap, stalk a rabbit, catch a fish etc who will survive. Equally those folks who can also identify wild edible foliage and plants who will get through the bet.

So the copper snare wire, air rifle and fishing kit really wants to be given plenty of practice by our members.


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Neanderthal die off caused by lack of skill - by NorthernRaider - 7 March 2013, 10:34

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