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Neanderthal die off caused by lack of skill
7 March 2013, 11:51, (This post was last modified: 7 March 2013, 11:51 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: Neanderthal die off caused by lack of skill
they simply died off as they interbread,
no more neanderthal cos the new hybrid was better.
they stopped breading only with themselves. be it through forced rape. or mutual consent.

any that didnt interbread just simply dwindled untill they didnt exist no more. or bread with one of the hybrids.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson

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RE: Neanderthal die off caused by lack of skill - by Luci_ferson - 7 March 2013, 11:51

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