This is my way may be wrong for most but I don't do binders or LOADS of books.
I have a few books, which I read over and over and maintain my knowledge via the internet by reading watching videos etc..
Why dont I do binders and folders?
Sods law is that if I have to bug out or whatever, the folder or books will go bye byes.
I'm sure we've all done it in the heat of the moment, you know you forgot something...
Then where would that leave me?
Up sh** creek without a paddle....
So my way is to try to retain as much as possible in my head without writing it down.
Yes I may be giving myself short shrift, but I know how to make filters, light fires, make spears etc...
"Its all in me bonce"
and yes I have other family members it'd be of use written down but after expending valuable time trying to batter it through their thick skulls, only to be met with, huh? howd you do that again? as their to busy texting, I gave up.
So I take responsibility and order them about should shtf, IF anything happens to me, my 5 year olds in charge because she shows great promise.
I asked her what she wanted for a present and she said a pink Glock with diamonds on it...
shes a bond villain in the making....
I think its the Army still playing its part... you dont have books and binders you just, get on with it.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...