RE: Plague pit found in London.
Actually there are many mammals all over the U.S. that are capable of hosting plaugue fleas, just as there are in most nations of the civilized world. That does not mean we live in the close proximity to them that people did in past ages.
If they ever develop a plaugue carrying cockroach we are all done for!
We occasionally have plaugue outbreaks in the American Southwest in the desert areas espically on the Native American Reservation areas. Many of the conditions there promote such transmissions.
We also have outbreaks every year along the Pacific northwest coastal areas. Those outbreaks are usually the result of transpacific shipping contamination or transport of pre-infected individuals from Asia.
It is not the flea carrying strains we should really be worried over, but the disease in its pneumatic form when it could be transimitted person to person. That was when it began wiping out entire civilizations.
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