(15 March 2013, 19:24)bigpaul Wrote: (15 March 2013, 18:59)Oggydoggy100 Wrote: A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing! Wonder sometimes how some preppers are going to survive in any given situation.............
would you like to expand that particular remark??

A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing! Wonder sometimes how some preppers are going to survive in any given situation.............
I do not come on this blog site & post very often as there appears to be a lot of ill-informed people with deep seated conspiratorial theories. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs & I respect that. Ask yourselves this question? given any future situation where we find ourselves having to deal with anything from a Global disaster to a prolonged power outage, I would hope, that the people I find myself with are well prepared mentally, physically & have the common sense to remain calm, enabling them to make quality decisions based on the facts presented/present. I do not want to sound arrogant, but based on my experiences over the past 30 years of working in remote locations with all types of characters; only certain people I would wish to be with in an emergency situation. Transpose said experiences to any given prepping situation & in my experience you get many people whom appear to walk the walk, talk the talk, but in reality fall to pieces very quickly in any given emergency situation. Lots of people both on this & other “prepper†sites appear to be very poorly informed etc. It does not take much to research established facts, i.e. the real risks of contracting Plague, Bubonic or otherwise! There well maybe a massive die off among the so called Sheeple, but how many preppers are going to meet a nasty end cuz they have either badly injured themselves with improper use of tools, weapons etc. applied some sudo science found on the internet-for instance, using Fish Antibiotics- How many people on this site have any experience or knowledge of how to remain clean in either a rural or urban environment, given restricted access to the normal everyday amenities, be honest! Not many. To be able to do anything proficiently requires practice, practice & real time experience! Knowledge is power!