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"The Last American Man" falls foul of building regs
18 March 2013, 15:27,
RE: "The Last American Man" falls foul of building regs
(18 March 2013, 15:22)bigpaul Wrote:
(18 March 2013, 15:17)BeardyMan Wrote:
(18 March 2013, 14:44)Scythe13 Wrote: Why do you think SD is closing threads that are interesting to read, but have nothing to do with prepping? Take for example, the Cyprus 10% deposit to pay for debt thread. That was closed. Why was it closed? Because it was just an interesting story. There was nothing that made it prepper related.

If the Cyprus article was joined with the words "it could become a UK situation and so, I suggest keeping very little in bank accounts and holding more as cash or precious metals" then it becomes prepper related. Until then, it's just an interesting news read.

Well, that thread was closed before anyone could comment on it. It is DEFINITELY prepping related - either loose 10% of your money or all of it. Shutting the thread down before the "story" can be discussed, along with the possible ramifications and to us in the UK (and ways to mitigate against this), is counter productive IMHO.

Just because people can't see (or haven't mentioned) a link to prepping straight away doesn't mean there isn't one. Are we not prepping for all possibilities? That story along could have huge potential impact on us here - we're footing the bill. It could very well be us soon too.....

Exactly! i thought this mountain man piece was interesting as come post SHTF were ALL going to have to be more self reliant, self sufficient and close to the land, we may even at some point have to build our own houses/cabins/shacks whatsover when older buildings have passed their usefullness.therefore this make it -in my eyes-"Prepper related"!Big Grin

Reading the article it appears that they're just looking for any excuse to get him back on grid - they're effectively making it too expensive for him to continue his current life-style.

If I were him and push came to shove I'd dismantle the buildings and buy or make a yurt.

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RE: "The Last American Man" falls foul of building regs - by BeardyMan - 18 March 2013, 15:27

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