(5 April 2013, 15:46)Mortblanc Wrote: Hundreds all over?
Treasonious incitement to riot and threats of murder and all those survaliance cameras everyone fears did not record this?
No one was stopped, shaken down for anticipated weapons possession, the bullitins found and the anarcists arrested?
I though you guys were better supervised than that!
In reality;
are you noticing excess people in your area,
clusters of one type people traveling about more than normal
crowds of ethnic or age specific gathering at odd times in odd places,
has "normal" been inturrupted in any way that you observed?
did the post contain dates and/or places or specify the work of a group
Has there been a "flash mob" incident, even a harmless one, in your area of late?
It sounds like a juvinile prank to me.
or was this thread intended for the clothing and kit section?
Come on, admit it. You've been eating NR's painkillers haven't you?