Fun but interesting the ultimate zombie survival gun.
Fun but interesting the ultimate zombie survival gun.
Max Brooks the author of the Zombie Survival Guide and WW Z turned up on this week’s editions of “Sons of Guns†the Discovery channel’s show about a Florida based custom gunsmith.
Max challenged the gun shop to produce the ultimate Zombie Survival Gun for Civilians (note the civilian bit) The gun shop crew split into two teams, one chose to go the route of converting an AR15 5.56mm into a select fire M16 with Bayonet, drum magazine and a 37 MM grenade launcher (which civvies would REALLY have access to a 37 mm grenade supply?)
The other team who clearly had less of the gung ho attitude chose to go with the .22 long rifle rimfire cartridge route, they took what I think was a Ruger 10/22 and had a custom polymer bull pup stock made for it, they made a pig sticker spike bayonet for it and fitted it with reflex type optics and backup iron sights on an integral P rail.
Anyhoo overall Max chose the .22 Bullpup over the full bore M16 Why?, Ammo capacity was one consideration, Max said the average civvy in his scenarios could only use one side pouch on a rucksack for carrying ammo, They could only just squeeze in 100 rounds of 5.56 but they easily accommodated over 280 rounds of 22LR A major plus for head shooting Zombies .
Then came accuracy both weapons easily put five head shots into five zombie target heads, but Max noted that the 22 LR was easier to fire and control and the gun in its lightweight very compact bull pup format was much easier to EDC carry compared to the big bulky M16 clone.
The Grenade Launcher got the M16 team a few extra points but again Max pointed out that the weapon was supposed to be used by inexperienced civilians not skills soldiers.
Overall Max went for the higher capacity ammo storage, the easy smooth low recoil accuracy of the 22 bullpup, plus low maintenance levels and its easy lightweight EDC carry capability, so in summary the world’s leading author on civvies surviving zombies chose the 22LR round as it did the job just as well as the M16 but did it cheaper, it was lighter and the survivor could carry far more ammo.
The bit this fascinating chap kept raising time after time was the point that most preppers and survivalists are CIVILIANS not soldiers and all prepping/ planning and kit should be developed with that point foremost in mind. I support that belief and think that all to often prepping becomes focused solely on single fit young men often with military experience, but in the real world preppers tend to be family men and women with kids, dogs, mortgages, grand parents and obligations to fulfill.
Fun and food for thought.