RE: Fun but interesting the ultimate zombie survival gun.
I agree Talon for a single handed weapon dedicated to cutting you can't go far wrong with a good Falchion, or a Sabre (but that's a whole different discussion). As you point out the Falchion has definate lineage, originating in the Middle East as a European engineered version of the Scimitar. There are many depictions of the "proffesional Warrior Class" of Europe using such weapons in the melee[i] but I would like to challenge your point when you say
"The hand and a half and two handed swords are very good in a loose melee, supported by mixed weapon type troops but are not much use in a pressing melee. They tend to get bound up easily and then are just a useless bar of steel pinned against you."
The fighting system employed by the European warrior class encompassed a wide variety of techniques dedicated to combat during melee. Although I agree on the effectiveness of the Falchion during close combat Talon, we have to appreciate the technique of "half Swording" where the "longsword" is effectively turned into a "short Sword", as shown in many medieval texts. Used with the correct technique the Longsword can be used as an effective "close in" weapon, the added "leverage" being used as an advantage in deflecting enemy attacks.
Saying that Talon if I had to rely on ANY type of short sword I would pick the [i]GLADIUS HISPANIENSIS(Mainz pattern) simply the finest short sword ever devised (but I'm willing to argue the point)
Sorry I meant Timelord instead of Talon when quoting in parentheses, my apologies chaps.