Poll: how long after an event for things to die down
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how long after an event for things to die down
23 January 2012, 17:35, (This post was last modified: 23 January 2012, 17:47 by Scythe13.)
RE: how long after an event for things to die down
(23 January 2012, 16:46)bigpaul Wrote: seeds probably wont be too much of a problem, cant see many people in a pandemic or something like that, even thinking of seeds, so it'll be a raid on the garden centre or whereever after the dust has settled.

Come on BP, have you not ready my response to the Iran situation post? I've already tapped that garden centre! Boom! Water storage as well! Don't forget the security wire fence, and solar capabilities! You'd be shot out of luck if you went for the garden centres around here. I'd have taken everything. Even the model dinosaur! (No joke, I have seen a life size velocy raptor in the Wyvale Garden centre up near Warrington!!! HAHA, I wanted, and still do want, a model dinosaur after seeing that!)

(23 January 2012, 16:28)Lightspeed Wrote: I'm with SD and Nr on a two year possible timescale

I think its likely to take two winters of cold, starvation and disease to cull the human population, and weed out most of the scumbags. Alas, I also expect that some resourceful and resiliant, scumbags will survive, but there will hopefully be less of them, and survivor communities will have a better chance of resisting.

To stay grey for 24 months is a huge task, and will require huge commitment of resources, as well as considerable luck in avoiding being detected by raiders throughout this period.

Actually 24 months is a simplistic calculation. After the second winter, ground would still have to be prepared and crops tended until they could be hargested. Different planning is needed for different seasonal SHTF dates.

I reckon that worst case scenario is SHTF-total-infrastructure-wipe-out in spring. This scenario entails laying up some 27 months of provisions. And not just survival provisions either. Extra calories will be imperative to support the efforts needed for the Year 2 farming renaisance.

I'm now starting to look at what long storage food crop seeds to stash. I'll search this site to see ifanyone's already started to workout a plan for this.

I did a hefting post on a thread, I can't remember which, but I spoke about how 1 years worth of food would last 3 years, by breaking down everything into seasons and living off the land for the most abundant seasons. While also using that time to grow crops. When I say 'live off the land' I mainly mean things like eating plants that grow naturally in the woods and things like that. Then using your stored resources once the season changes to become a less abundant season.
Found that thread post.


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RE: how long after an event for things to die down - by Scythe13 - 23 January 2012, 17:35

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