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Wild camping areas
2 June 2013, 21:56,
RE: Wild camping areas
I know that Scottish laws are different to the laws in England, in as much as there are no trespass laws in Scotland, but I would guess that most farmers would be happy for you to do a bit of camping if you were to ask, especially if it was in woodland.

Other than that you could pretend that the shtf and pick your spot and practice keeping quiet,..Smile

Having said all that, a female on her own has to be careful these day,.. just bear that in mind
A major part of survival is invisibility.

Messages In This Thread
Wild camping areas - by Angelius - 2 June 2013, 21:47
RE: Wild camping areas - by Highlander - 2 June 2013, 21:56
RE: Wild camping areas - by Spandex228 - 2 June 2013, 22:11
RE: Wild camping areas - by Skean Dhude - 2 June 2013, 22:22
RE: Wild camping areas - by Mosstrooper - 2 June 2013, 22:26
RE: Wild camping areas - by Angelius - 2 June 2013, 23:03
RE: Wild camping areas - by Highlander - 3 June 2013, 08:00
RE: Wild camping areas - by Tarrel - 2 June 2013, 23:22
RE: Wild camping areas - by bigpaul - 3 June 2013, 10:02
RE: Wild camping areas - by Sunna - 3 June 2013, 10:49
RE: Wild camping areas - by bigpaul - 3 June 2013, 10:59
RE: Wild camping areas - by TheFalcon - 3 June 2013, 15:24
RE: Wild camping areas - by BeardyMan - 4 June 2013, 13:19
RE: Wild camping areas - by Bjm - 5 June 2013, 19:21
RE: Wild camping areas - by TwistedPuppy - 9 June 2013, 13:27
RE: Wild camping areas - by Mortblanc - 10 June 2013, 02:52
RE: Wild camping areas - by NorthernRaider - 10 June 2013, 09:01
RE: Wild camping areas - by Northumbriman - 2 July 2013, 14:20
RE: Wild camping areas - by bigpaul - 2 July 2013, 14:26
RE: Wild camping areas - by MCavity - 3 July 2013, 08:41

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