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prospects of survival for todays society
25 January 2012, 17:55,
prospects of survival for todays society
OK, i found this whilst trawling idly through the web, its American but could equally apply to the UK. "the human race's prospects of survival were considerably better when we were defenceless against tigers than they are today when we have become defenceless against ourselves"-Arnold J. Toynbee...............................the sad thing is, during a real SHTF situation its not wild animals or roaming gangs that will pose the largest threat to society. the real danger will come from our current cultures lack of being able to do anything for ourselves.from the crippling dependence on technology to their reliance on prescription medications just to make it through the day, our current culture seems doomed to fail. i read a report that said during the last 10 years the use of anti depressants has gone up over 400%, that same report found that 11% of all Americans aged 12 or older are now taking anti depressants. IF THAT MANY PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME COPING WITH LIFE NOW,WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO WHEN THOSE DRUGS RUN OUT?? i think todays society has been so dumbed down by technology,modern culture and just plain ignorance that i doubt most people would survive longer than a month in a real SHTF situation, its sad to say but once the lights go out and the TV dosent go on i think a huge number of people are just going to throw up their hands and give up-END QUOTE.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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prospects of survival for todays society - by bigpaul - 25 January 2012, 17:55

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