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uk bug out, how long would you last ???
13 June 2013, 19:40,
RE: uk bug out, how long would you last ???
I can't answer this as i really have no idea.Possibly years.More likely it could be a few days/weeks. The right mindset and luck play such a huge role.Though i believe my mental strength is up to it.I couldn't swear to that as it hasn't happened (yet).Honestly i don't know,people who have spent time living rough on the streets could answer that better than i could.
I've had it pretty cushy all things considered. I've never had to test myself in that scenario,nor have i had to survive homeless on the streets in the dead of a north east winter like some people have.Erm i dunnoConfused

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RE: uk bug out, how long would you last ??? - by Talon - 13 June 2013, 19:40

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