RE: YOUTUBE preppers /survivalists
I Subscribe to a good collection of "prepper" or "homesteader" channels on YouTube. Some of them are fantastic, people like Wranglerstar and Maineprepper have an absolute goldmine of knowledge to pass on. Most of these channels are miles ahead of the manure pushed onto us via TV as far as quality of the videos:
One of the British prepper channels, haven't watched much of his stuff
Colion Noir
NRA commentator on gun rights
Inner-city prepper, breaks the prepper mold by being black and urban. Regular commentary on manipulation of economic news and unemployment as well as prepper videos for the urban dwelle
Technical prepping videos, one good one is how to build a water pump out of pieces of pipe running entirely on gravity.
Both good shooting / gun channels
Occasional gem, mostly seems to cater to armchair commandos
James Yeager
Farily controversial, marmite tactical / shooting channel. Seems to know his stuff though
Lee Griffin
British prepping channel
Would absolutely reccomend to everyone. He's a 50+ ex-soldier, partially disabled but living the prepping dream; rural retreat in a small community. Very wise, no-nonsense from someone who's been prepping since the 70's-80's. A good mix of survivalist and off grid content.
Another "marmite" channel. Expect long videos and "dude!" "Awesome." Reviews of knives, guns, as well as philosophy videos (Good for converting passively anti-gun brits to someone who can see both sides.) He lives what he teaches, regularly going up mountains to test stuff to destruction.)
Free, no-nonsense fitness advice from someone who ins't trying to sell you something. You can do anything with a basic set of weights and a pullup bar. He has been into fitness for 30+ years, is built like a cyldesdale and does marathons and other long distance cardio. A one stop shop for prepper fitness, no matter what level you are at.
Good precious metal investment channel, good for monitoring the decline of the global financial situation. One caveat, he seems to laud precious metals as the only prep, though i may be wrong
Good US prepper channel, varied mix of topics coverd, a jack of all trades
Think Alex Jones, but more accessible and less obnoxious
Former US marine turned prepper, similiar content to Southernprepper1 and Maineprepper
Beardy type survivalist, doesn't upload much nowadays but covers lots of areas like food storage, medicine and water.
Medical prepping channel, knows her stuff
Alternative media for the UK. Worth watching for any British prepper who wants to moniter the spread of corruption through our country.
Homesteader, living the dream. 5 Star content
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8