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Ref the debate about packs of feral dogs after TSHTF
28 July 2013, 23:50,
RE: Ref the debate about packs of feral dogs after TSHTF
I understand that BP. Endevour not to travel alone if packs of wild dogs are around.
Do wild dogs hunt at night? Travel with Night Vision at night might be do-able if the dogs bed down for the night.?? If travelling on ones own, then you could try wrapping a scarf or similar around the neck and wearing a thick jacket that has a high collar. A longer covering like a three quarter length coat would afford some vulnerable softer area protection. If not using close quarter firearms, then a medium size single handed blade/short sword in the main hand and a sizable knife in the offhand would be useful, preferably with a lanyard around the wrist to prevent losing the weapon if knocked down. The face & neck protection is important plus durable gloves. Leg bindings (putees) would be a bonus and also good for general protection walking through rough country. That is why they were a favourite of our ancestors. (Note the post on ticks and other parasites)
Also the dog trainer trick of wrapping the offhand forearm in in layers of material to allow the animal an obvious target if it launches an attack. From here it should be quick to disable it with the main hand weapon.
Edged slashing & stabbing weapons would be more suitable in case of being knocked down and so unable to use the necessary force for an impact weapon. The offhand dagger must be a stabbing blade and the larger main hand more important to be a slashing blade. Combination blades are also desirable.
Expedient shields are good, but some prior rudimentary practice with one would be wise beforehand and also a downside to the shield is that it is not as useful in the hand as a medium to large close quarter pointed knife if you have already been brought to the ground. It is absolutely imperative to disable the immediate aggressor and regain ones footing asap.
Another tip is that canines do not like missiles being thrown at them. Incoming rocks from the biped at a distance are disconcerting for the canine brain and can just possibly put them off or maybe enough to buy some time or to affect the animals concentration while it is closing in for an attack.
Don't forget the age old favourite of fire. Portable fire is handy against animals but also a beacon to other humans. In the same vein a bright light can be used to affect canine night vision and to cause confusion to its senses while attempting to mount an attack.
Has anyone ever tried using a cheap home fire alarm siren unit connected to a small 12volt battery against canines. These sirens give off an uncomfortable level of decibel noise to humans, never mind canines with ultra sensitive hearing. This may be a secret weapon (with other uses?) for the prepper arsenal....? Regards, TL
"How far back in time do you think our future will be?"

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RE: Ref the debate about packs of feral dogs after TSHTF - by Timelord - 28 July 2013, 23:50

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