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Ref the debate about packs of feral dogs after TSHTF
29 July 2013, 22:16,
RE: Ref the debate about packs of feral dogs after TSHTF
Aye thats you OK HL but speaking of people in general affter TSHTF if they surround emselves with dogs they will have to be all male or spayed bitches and spaying wont be an option for most after TSHTF.

I guess that two groups of mutts will survive long term after TSHTF the small wirery terrier types than can scavenge and live off smaller critters like cats, rats, mice, squirrels etc and rubbish left by humans, and then the bigger agressive type like Dobermans, Bull Mastifs, Rotties, Akitas, Alsations etc that will resort to hunting sheep, cattle, goats, deer , smaller dogs, cats, people etc.

And the age old debate still unresolved of what is the best type of dog to have after TSHTF will continue unabated and unresolved forever, some folks will keep a few biggies like my friend HL and his Shepherds and other will prefer the companionship of a pack of tenacious terriers.


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RE: Ref the debate about packs of feral dogs after TSHTF - by NorthernRaider - 29 July 2013, 22:16

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