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screaming baby
5 September 2013, 02:13,
RE: screaming baby
This is one of those things where your not going to win either way.
If you give up you security to go over the road then the parents may give up that information to others to try and save there child.
If you go there and find a baby on its own for what ever reason will you take the child back to your hide out? Possibly risking everything?
Do you have the correct food and nappies to look after that child from now on?
I think if the SHTF we will all hear and see some horrific things that will be life changing.

I think you would have to decide if your intervention is actually going to help long term or just prolong the inevitable end?

This is where firm leadership within a family unit will win out which could mean the difference between becoming a victim yourself
Or survival.

Yes this is just an over view but i think i would be in a hurry to sacrifice my family for another family.

Maybe the other family should have prepared for the future instead of going to the pub every night after work?
Maybe they shouldnt have lived on there credit cards to pay for there expensive life style, designer clothes, shiny new cars on the drive?

If it was as simple as dropping some calpol or teething gel through the letterbox once it got dark then i would try to help.

Beyond that id have to pass, The main reason i prepare now is for "MY" kids. I cant save the world on my own.
If i was on my own i would probably live a different life style.

It still boils down to working out the risks at that point in time.

Messages In This Thread
screaming baby - by Sunna - 4 September 2013, 18:15
RE: screaming baby - by bigpaul - 4 September 2013, 18:20
RE: screaming baby - by Sunna - 4 September 2013, 18:35
RE: screaming baby - by NorthernRaider - 4 September 2013, 18:40
RE: screaming baby - by bigpaul - 4 September 2013, 18:40
RE: screaming baby - by Sunna - 4 September 2013, 18:45
RE: screaming baby - by River Song - 4 September 2013, 19:09
RE: screaming baby - by Prepper1 - 4 September 2013, 19:26
RE: screaming baby - by River Song - 4 September 2013, 19:35
RE: screaming baby - by Midnitemo - 5 September 2013, 00:58
RE: screaming baby - by Prepper1 - 4 September 2013, 20:08
RE: screaming baby - by MaryN - 4 September 2013, 20:29
RE: screaming baby - by Straight Shooter - 4 September 2013, 21:04
RE: screaming baby - by RoadWarrior - 4 September 2013, 21:45
RE: screaming baby - by BFG Central - 5 September 2013, 02:13
RE: screaming baby - by Mortblanc - 5 September 2013, 04:07
RE: screaming baby - by MaryN - 5 September 2013, 08:00
RE: screaming baby - by Grumpy Grandpa - 5 September 2013, 10:57
RE: screaming baby - by BeardyMan - 10 September 2013, 12:26
RE: screaming baby - by bigpaul - 10 September 2013, 13:02
RE: screaming baby - by Prepper1 - 10 September 2013, 13:53
RE: screaming baby - by bigpaul - 10 September 2013, 14:15
RE: screaming baby - by Highlander - 10 September 2013, 18:44
RE: screaming baby - by BeardyMan - 10 September 2013, 18:47

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