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Lone Wolf syndrome.
13 September 2013, 21:09,
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome.
Well I understood where your coming from.

I cant see it causing anymore conflict than any other post on here...

I'm sure as a section of people we loners have our share of mental health issues but they dont seem any worse than the groups roaming around Syria raping and murdering kids...

I think as it stands I've always been a loner, shunning human contact most of the time.
Then I had a family, traumatic for a loner to have a family I must say.

Nice as well dont get me wrong I love and adore them and would do anything for them, but having to "adapt" to tribal life if you will has had its ups and downs.

I find it difficult to interact with other humans, preferring animals primarily because animals just behave without any agenda.

Well apart from the dogs trying to nick biscuits when your backs turned and the same for cats with your bacon butty...

Humans ALWAYS seem to be up to something with a hidden agenda.

Its rare nowadays you meet another fully trustworthy person that'll keep their word if they say they'll do something for you or be there when your backs against the wall.

Humans, nasty vindictive creatures with a smattering of good ones between them.

I'd rather rely on my own and my family to an extent for any shtf situation but that's just me, I can take or leave, preferably leave people, I like talking to like minded folks, that's why I come on here, but how many do you meet near you or of the same mindset on your daily travels?
Not many...

B.P.'s my brother from another mother as they say and he's welcome in my little tribe anytime.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

Messages In This Thread
Lone Wolf syndrome. - by bigpaul - 13 September 2013, 17:07
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by Straight Shooter - 13 September 2013, 17:14
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by bigpaul - 13 September 2013, 17:19
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by Mortblanc - 13 September 2013, 18:08
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by bigpaul - 13 September 2013, 18:16
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by Mortblanc - 13 September 2013, 18:43
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by Prepper1 - 13 September 2013, 21:09
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by bigpaul - 14 September 2013, 07:46
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by SecretPrepper - 13 September 2013, 22:38
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by Nix - 14 September 2013, 11:04
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by Waylander - 14 September 2013, 11:08
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by Midnitemo - 14 September 2013, 11:32
RE: Lone Wolf syndrome. - by Skean Dhude - 15 September 2013, 01:51

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