(1 October 2013, 18:29)Skean Dhude Wrote: I'd be very wary with acid in a water pistol. They leak at the best of times and an acid leak would ruin your day. Plus if someone was to hit it with something it may burst spraying acid all over both of you. Not worth it.
Putting something in that won't kill or main you and will irritate the eyes may be the way to go. That way at the worst you get your eyes watering.
As far as reloading goes you can get plenty of gear to reload for a long long time legally. Guns will be around for a long long time.
ooops forgot to write my bit

i agree guns will be around and in use for a long time but only a small percentage compared to at the begining of an event...i don't know anybody who reloads shotgun and i'd say maybe a third of my old shooting club reloaded centre fire .. blackpowder weapons are only a small minority of legally held guns in the uk and you can't reload rimfire...all in all i'd be surprised if it were as much as 10% of gun's were still operational at 3 years in.
when stocks of nitro propellant and primers run out you will be left with black powder weapons , caps can be improvised for these and lead will be available but most other guns will become obsolete...the problem with using bp instead of nitro in rifle cases is bulk , quite often you can't get enough bp in the brass to make it work properly...pistol calibre's aren't so bad but they suffer this too.
before some smart arse say's you can reload rimfire...if you were being pedantic i expect you could but boy would it be a pain.
45.70...44.40...et al these are bp cartridges and i would say there are few of these guns in the uk chambered for these black powder cartridges....very few.