RE: if it was up to you ....?
I started to lose interest un SUK when those members whom I admired most and learned much from (like Wet & Cold) either drifted away or were driven off by a certain clique of people, Then as time went by I felt the content or quality of the forum was being either dumbed down or becoming more opinion rather than fact based. But sniping / trolling towards people I respect and the Americanisation of SUK was what was the nail in the coffin.
Cut n paste posts, obscure conspiracies and other stuff that I felt down valued UK prepping replaced researched and fact based articles like those done in the highest quality by folks like Lightspeed and Wet & Cold, and that was a great loss in my opinion.
I raised my fears and concerns with SD and he chose his route and I chose mine, anyway what does it matter forums come and go, evolve and change, flourish and fade, I just moved on and feel much better for it.
Always move forward there no point in looking back
Cheers M’dears