(16 October 2013, 14:17)Scythe13 Wrote: That's a fair point. I think we'd all agree that people have less than 3 days worth of food, on average, in their homes.
Not me. I have never known of ANYONE who needs to go food shopping every 3 days. I think you're getting mixed up with 3 days worth of food on the shelves in stores.
navigation should be relatively straight forward.
You're hardly likely to go for an epic wander after TSHTF. You'll know exactly where you're heading, and how to get there.
Even if you're miles from home, on a business trip or something, in an unfamiliar place, you would have checked google earth / os maps etc and have x amount of routes back from your location to your home/bol etc. This only takes a few minutes.
Doesn't really matter where I find myself, I always know how I can get home in a number of different ways - cause I've already planned it.