RE: how would you get around(navigate) once TSHTF?
post SHTF, roads will soon become unusable, no one to repair them, clean out the ditches, remove fallen trees and storm damage, there are several roads around North Devon that have fallen into the river-at the moment these are being repaired but post SHTF these will not be, and i'm not talking side roads one is the main Barnstaple to Exeter road and that is shut down a long stretch in the middle- long detours in place. countryside will be also affected, without someone or something to keep the grass, weeds, shrub and trees down this will soon revert to its natural state, with the normal winter weather most fields around here are already impassible, just go in the gateway and the water and mud is over the tops of your boots.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.