RE: American Blackout - Full Version
I watched the show the other night, thought it was entertaining if not overly dramatic. In the scenario presented it was some unknown terrorist group that hacked the power supply. In that scenario I think most people would realize that there will be a return of rule of law and act accordingly. Just a minor critique.
Yeah, the couple in the high rise NY apartment were the most ridiculous. To me the worst case were those in the elevator. But the most interesting to me was the prepper family that bugged out. The prepper handled the situation with his neighbor all wrong and guaranteed that he would be attacked at some point. (ofcourse the boyfriend acted like an ass too). Here's how I would have handled the situation with the neighbor asking for food: "man, I was just coming to ask you the same thing- we've got a little to last a few days. Here's a few cans, hopefully power's back on soon or else we're all in trouble, huh?" IMO, by threating extreme violence but not carrying through, he let the neighbor know that yes he does have enough stores to kill over. So by letting him go on his way pissed off without food, he was putting everyone at risk. He even had extra "decoy" food just for that purpose! No, instead he flashed his gun around like a big shot, as if he's the only one that has a firearm.