RE: American Blackout - Full Version
well, i worked some time ago for the electric company for a long while, and may be it is my professional cretinism talking, but whole this event described in the film is not likely to last for so long time. especially in the big centers. nobody in their mind will have the power station control system connected to the internet. actually it is not even necessary.
of course, anywhere anytime there may some accident to happen. and as result there may be some rare case of cascade blackouts will happen, but all of those accidents are very rare and quite easily localized.
even so much "advertized" sun flare event is highly over-exaggerated. it is comparable with the lightning strike and it happen all the time.
now there are lot of safety devices in each power station, relay station, distribution station and even in every bigger consumer connection shield to localize the problem.
actually it is funny to observe how ignorant are all these predictions.
never the less for example the physical damages to relay and distributing stations (like military or terrorist activity) are serious and require long time to repair.