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Good blog article on " Lone Wolf Survivalists"
22 February 2012, 13:50, (This post was last modified: 22 February 2012, 13:52 by Scythe13.)
RE: Good blog article on " Lone Wolf Survivalists"
I think all are valid, if entertaining, points.

I define a gun/knife nut as someone that is using a SHTF situation as an excuse to have a gun/knife. Please note that I have worded that carefully. The main word being excuse.

I've ordered a load of knives recently and am waiting for the mail man to drop them off. I have them for the reason of being prepared should TSHTF. If I had ordered the knives first, stocked up on loads of knives and then decided TEOTWAWKI is justification, then there is an issue with wires being crossed.

I don't know anyone on this forum that would be considered more of a knife jockey than myself or maybe SD. I've done loads of martial arts which taught knife use. Also I've worked doors and confiscated many knives (that magically appeared in my bedroom at the end of the shift).

The main word with gun nut and knife nut is the word NUT!!! I don't think it acceptable that a new member comes in and presents a clear danger to a member of the group. When I say a danger, I mean that in many ways. If BP came in with a machete, he's not going to use it to chop someone up. He knows what he's doing with a blade, but has self control. If someone comes into the group and does not have that level of self control, there will be issues that appear as a danger to the group and it's members.

That is what I'm sure everyone in the group wants to avoid.
Sorry BP, just thought I'd use you as an example.

There is a difference between potential danger, BP with a knife. Actual danger, a nazi with a machete in a jewish school. And group danger, a big mouth that gets drunk and loses opsec by shouting to all their mates, or someone that is trying to impress their friends.

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RE: Good blog article on " Lone Wolf Survivalists" - by Scythe13 - 22 February 2012, 13:50

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