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Cheeky little sods.
1 June 2014, 14:04,
Cheeky little sods.
This morning I went to collect some tinder from a local spot with a good supply of Burdock heads and dead Tree Fungus, it also has a small pond. When I got there I came across three young lads trying to make a fire, and failing miserably. They had that Sheepish "we're Busted" look and I'm sure expected "the old fart" to tell them to bugger off. Not me!! I believe young lads should should be coming home with cuts, scrapes and bruises, covered in mud or shit, making fires and Dens rather than stuck inside a house turning into a vegetable on a diet off mind numbing TV/PC garbage.
After showing them how to use Burdock heads for tinder, and small twigs as kindling, I lit their fire with a Firesteel. The look on their faces as a shower of sparks hit the tinder, setting it alight was priceless. "Giz a go Mr" the boldest one asked, and after a short demonstration became entranced as sheets of red hot sparks fell from the Steel in his hand. Of course a fight nearly broke out, "You've had a go it's my turn", "no it's not I was before you", a common retort the World over. After asking them to be careful, and not to burn the place down, I was walking away when the boldest one shouted "are you a Gypsy?" Cheeky little SodBig Grin So I went straight home and shaved my beard offConfused Made my day that did.

Messages In This Thread
Cheeky little sods. - by Tartar Horde - 1 June 2014, 14:04
RE: Cheeky little sods. - by MaryN - 1 June 2014, 14:33
RE: Cheeky little sods. - by TOF - 1 June 2014, 15:12
RE: Cheeky little sods. - by bigpaul - 1 June 2014, 16:34
RE: Cheeky little sods. - by John - 1 June 2014, 18:36
RE: Cheeky little sods. - by Scythe13 - 2 June 2014, 11:28

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