RE: When is it ok to steal...?
the immigrants in Calais are stealing from shops I hear. stealing from anyone whilst there is rule of law is just plain wrong in my book, stealing post SHTF may become acceptable and something we will all have to guard against if we want to survive, probably worse in the cities due to sheer weight of numbers. what I propose to do post SHTF I refer to as scavenging..some might call it stealing I don't know...but anything obviously dumped, left or abandoned that we can use will be fair game, shops, warehouses, industrial estates, that sort of thing, I'm not going to get into a firefight with other families by trying to take their food..i believe that will be counter productive..i could get injured which wont do me or mine any good, but if a house is obviously abandoned and has been for some time or the occupants are dead then I would take what I could find...only seems logical to me.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.