Poll: how long after an event for things to die down
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how long after an event for things to die down
19 October 2011, 08:00,
RE: how long after an event for things to die down
TBH, unless you are trapped somewhere, I do not thnk it would ever get to that stage in our current climate of the UK. There are plenty of things to eat if you only know where to look and how to gather or hunt them.

Cannabalism is a very extreme measure to consider and literally everything would have had to be exhausted before I would even think of it. Would you murder someone, to eat them? Remember, you would have to live with it for the rest of your life.

Personally, cannabalism is a step to far, one for which I am not prepared to take. I would consider suicide before resorting to cannabalism. I may be dead, but at least I remained a human.
British by birth, English by the grace of God.

Every morning, I wake up and thank God I am an Englishman!

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RE: how long after an event for things to die down - by Dana - 19 October 2011, 08:00

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