RE: Compound bow advice sought
I completely and totally agree with Tartar Horde on this, I live in the countryside and was raised in the countryside, around here there are deer, rabbits, pheasants, partridge, pigeon, hare, fw fish sw fish, shellfish, wild edible plants but I till think that hunting will only be supplementary to our food needs.
Even now entire flocks of sheep disappear overnight in parts of this region as gangs from the cities come out with a truck and tools. Recently a farmer from Richmondshire came out one day to find over 40 of his sheep slaughtered and butchered in the field they live in..
PERHAPS and its a big PERHAPS that in time after a major societal collapse and IF the population fell substantially then maybe further down the line the survivors can live off the land. But theres loads of ifs and maybes to be considered.